Saturday, June 8, 2013

Be intentional about loving.
Be intentional about loving well.
Be the bigger one. 

And then she smiled. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

the emotions I should feel are anger, despair, and hate 
but I can't seem to allow myself to grow that irate 
the days are hard and the clock slow and all because I am hurting
What will bitterness impart in a weak soul?
What will contempt destroy in a very broken man?
What will rage trigger in a desperate wanderer?
It is the answers to my questions which lead me to this.
Why not love? Why not grace? Why not perspective? 

And all will be well

Life hurts
Pain stings
It leaves me wondering
Will the sun ever come out again?
Will the day be bright once more?
The sun came out
But it seems to be
Hiding again
I can hardly handle it but
I know that in the "end"
the sun will rise higher than it ever has before
And all will be well
Because the dark days did not win
Infact, they did not win at all

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Red All Over

It was red all over
Beauty profound
The dark hovered
And tears came down
Weepings released at the sound
Of the echo of the lashes
Thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine
Despair from the loss
Of the one true king
Souls began to wonder
But then
The rolls of thunder reached the grounds
And the blood dripped again
Oh you must be smiling
For win He did

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


[righteous anger is bubbling up inside of me because of injustice, fakeness, and a lack of love. So, I'm going to make a euphoric list.]

:one: 64 degrees outside. Pure bliss!
:two: a bouquet of daisies sits on our counter top.
:three: I'm about to throw together some tacos for dinner. Everyone loves tacos.
:four: currently sporting yoga pants. AKA: God's gift to the female wardrobe.
:five: the sun is just about to set, but the best part is knowing it will rise again.
:six: my iphone lies beside me and with it, I have a connection to so many of my favorite people.
:seven: i have people in my life so wonderful as to call "favorite"

:and so on:

:and so on:

:and so on:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

||To those future days||The ones so far away||

Satisfied but still in wonder
Riveted by life but thoughts are soft as thunder
Echoes of the heart scream to be
Not just heard but seen and freed
Dreams never cease They ache inside me
Daily I awake and the future yet captivates
My heart my mind my soul my being
But all in all I know where truth lies
In trusting that now means now
With no compromise

To those future days
The ones so far away
I will treat you so fairly as not to think on you too incredibly often
My excitement does not waver
My passions do not soften
My present just asks this simple favor
For me to be here completely
And if I can do anything
I can do that

Saturday, January 12, 2013


As I sit in this little, old-lady room and gaze out the window, my thoughts peacefully, go wild.

Life is lovely, but life is different. My imagination definitely could not imagine my life here today.

Well, now it can. Now, I can't imagine "now" any another way.

God is funny. He doesn't just surprise me..He supersedes the expectations I unknowingly create for my life.

Last semester screamed quietness, newness, and "you can do this."

It's 2013 now and this semester sings an entirely different song. Praise God, for that! (Hear me: I loved last semester, but the joy that I feel for this one excites me!)

My desire to go increases daily. I'd love to just leave and travel the world right now.

Who knows where 2013 will take me, anyhow?

I'm not sure yet, but I'm READY.